EDI - Conferma Ordine XML

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Di seguito i dettagli della soluzione EDI relativa alle conferme degli ordini in formato XML.

Tipo file: XML
Modalità  di trasferimento: FTP
Frequenza di aggiornamento: tempo reale
Flusso informativo: da Desktoo a Dealer
Nome file: ORAxxxx.xml
Cartella FTP: pickup
Tags Description Example Note-Explanation
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> Header Always displayed
<OrderResponse> Header It opens the file (second row), and closes the file </OrderResponse> (last row)
<OrderResponseHead> Header files <OrderResponseHead>
 <OrderResponseType Code="ACK">Full Acknowledgement</OrderResponseType>
  <Currency Code="EUR">Euros</Currency>
"ACK" means that the file is an order acknowledgement
<OrderResponseReferences> Order reference <BuyersOrderNumber Preserve="true">C2014729</BuyersOrderNumber> BuyersOrderNumber from the XML order file
<OrderResponseReferences> Unique order reference <CrossReference>7042411</CrossReference> <CrossReference> from the XML order file
<BOSS:AdditionalOrderResponseReferences> Order type <BOSS:AdditionalOrderResponseReferences xmlns:BOSS="urn:Schemas-bossfed-co-uk:OP-OrderResponse-v1">
 <BOSS:OrderResponseReference ReferenceType="OTP" ReferenceDesc="Order Type">
Order type from the XML order file 1, 2, 3, 4
<OrderResponseDate> Acknowledgement date <OrderResponseDate>2020-09-11</OrderResponseDate> YYYY-MM-DD
<OriginalOrderDate> Order date <OriginalOrderDate>2020-09-11</OriginalOrderDate> YYYY-MM-DD
<Supplier> Supplier <Supplier>
This content is always the same
<Buyer> Customer <Buyer>
 <Party>DESKTOO ITALIA S.R.L.</Party>
  <AddressLine>VIA DELL'INDUSTRIA, 19/F</AddressLine>
  <AddressLine>CASTEL SAN GIOVANNI</AddressLine>
The address here is always the one of the main warehouse of the dealer (even if the order is type 2, 3 or 4)
<DeliverTo> <DeliverTo>
 <Party>DESKTOO ITALIA S.R.L.</Party>
  <AddressLine>VIA DELL'INDUSTRIA, 19/F</AddressLine>
  <AddressLine>CASTEL SAN GIOVANNI</AddressLine>
Delivery address
<DeliverFrom> <DeliverFrom>
Supplier warehouse, can be empty
<OrderResponseLine> Order line <OrderResponseLine>
  <BuyersOrderLineReference Preserve="true">1</BuyersOrderLineReference>
<LineNumber> = line number
<BuyersOrderLineReference> = line reference
<SuppliersProductCode> = product code
<BuyersProductCode> = dealer product code
<Amount> = quantity
<LineTotal> = line total price

LS = Line Sent, RESERVED quantity

LB = quantity in back order

<Narrative> <Narrative>closed by</Narrative> Notes at order level
<OrderResponseTotal> <OrderResponseTotal>

Esempio File: Conferma Ordine XML